The life we receive is the life we give. There is a 1 to 1 relationship between our receiving and our giving. We love because God first loved us.
Water is life. Jesus promises us that if we drink the living water he gives us, we will never be thirsty. This is profound because it seems that we are always thirsty. We are thirsty for relationships, for affirmation, for unity, for forgiveness, for self-esteem and for cheering our sadness.
Have I been receiving this living water? Am I missing something?
1. Admitting our thirstiness. Jesus was tired and thirsty from the work of the day. Differently, the woman was tired of her broken relationships and thirsty to be known and loved. Receiving the living water begins with a recognition that I am thirsty and I need help.
2. Ask Jesus for the water. It seems simple, but we ask all kinds of folks and experiences for water, but it is only temporarily satisfying. Jesus said that the water he gives is living. It is not stagnant or deadly, but it brings life.
3. Drink the water that Jesus gives us. Like finding an eternal spring, finding Jesus is an ultimate solution for our thirst for meaning, relevance and affirmation. Daily, we need to drink the living water. We can’t survive long without water.
a. Communion with God
i. Pray/converse
ii. Listen
iii. Read scripture
iv. Listen
b. Communion with people
i. Fellowship – do something
ii. Worship
iii. Act on your compassion; serve
c. Share the living water with others
i. Point others to Jesus
ii. Offer them a drink
iii. Humble yourself
iv. Hangout with the outcast like Jesus often did
Like Jesus did, you only examine a person’s past when you are showing how they can be released from it.